Java and Java using Netbeans - What is the Difference?

What is Java?  

Edukers - A premier Training Institute Uttam Nagar
Informatics Practices : Coaching at Edukers - Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 59
Java is a truly Object Oriented Programming Language.When I say truly it simply means it strictly follows all the Object Oriented Programming concepts. In Java you can't do without Classes and Objects.

Java as a language and Java using NewBeans - Difference:

Net Beans is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) aimed at making development process easier. You will have to dirty your hands bit less when when working with Java using netbeans than otherwise. You can drag and drop things from tool pallete, moment you type netbeans assists you with syntax and many other things to just make things very userfriendly.

For example, I mentioned earlier that jave can't do without classes and objects - You will have to write a piece of code that has to be wrapped up inside a class. In java that might just ask for some expertiese but when you are working with java using netbeans - most of the work is done by the IDE on its own. 

In some advanced cases though you might have to dirty your hands with NetBeans as well so its always better to learn Java without using IDE. As far as CBSE class XI/XII IP (Informatics Practices) syllabus is concerned it is not expected at any advanced level.

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